ATB Precision Speaker Measuring System
- 德國R&D實驗室級精密喇叭量測系統

USB interface Analog Speaker system+ Digital DVD/CD Measures
Microphone and soft disc

Precise yet low cost measuring system

* 德國最新喇叭量測系統,軟體 + CD轉盤頻率響應測試CD片 + USB介面盒
* ISO 9001認證產品
* Optitest CD for test of CD, DVD player and digital controler, Crossover and Speaker.
* Optional microphone(如下圖)
* Optional speacial program- 3D Step Response Dynamic Measurement動態時間分割/分析量測, 系統設計缺陷的照妖鏡
* Precision tests analogue and digital units as CD and DVD類比和數位作精確測試
* Window系統簡易友善操作, 精密穩定喇叭量測功能, 詳細特性和產品, 請參照原廠網頁
* 從此只要帶Note Book電腦即可滿足種種的精確量測需求.
* DAAS, LMS之外的進階選擇, 使用方便, 多面向分析量測, Hi-End喇叭揚聲器系統設計的必備工具

* Digital數位測試應用可能,簡要說明如下;
ATB Also for development and quality control of the DVD player and surround receiver, digital controler and digital speakers.
The test signal is on a CD or DVD. To test a CD player you have only to play the CD. The frequency range is tested in 1 sec. The same is with a DVD player.

Now also
1) test a Analog to Digital (A/D) converter.
2) To test distortion and step response
3) Working on a test for DVD with DVD-Audio, Dolby Digital and Dolby Prologic II signals.
4) It is a easy test for the Surround Decoder.

The Equipment for digital test are normaly five times of the price to a ATB and yet not so comfortable to use as ATB.
MB NM550 麥克風Optional MB microphone

* Download handbook and current version下載操作說明和最新版本 

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Last updated on 12/10/06