The Cardas Sweep Record is a curiously effective tool for improving the sound of your entire audio system.
What the Sweep Record did:
- Degaussed your cartridge
- Degaussed your entire system
- Ultrasonically cleaned your stylus
and cantilever
A rotate use of the sweep bands and clean the record occasionally will improve your listening enjoyments.
In addition to the sweep bands, you will find several blank spots suitable for setting tone arm, especially the anti-skate/level of linear tracking air bearing arms.
Record. 這一張LP唱片具有三種功用,可說是物美價廉。
功用一, 它可以替唱針清潔和消磁(degauss).
功用二, 它可以替整個音響組合消磁, 在這方面它的作用和Gryphon的Exorcisor以及XLO的Test
& Burn CD類似, 但是價格便宜很多。
它的使用方法也很簡單, 只要用尋常聽音樂的音量, 讓唱針在唱片上跑一趟就成了.
最後也是最獨特的功用, 就是它可以調整唱臂防滑功能(anti-skate). 這張唱片中間的一大圈大約三公分平滑如鏡, 完全沒有刻痕. 把唱片針放在這一圈的中央,加果向心力強,唱頭就往裡滑: 離心力強,則唱頭往外滑。趁著唱盤轉動之時調整抗滑, 讓唱頭待在原地不動,就萬事OK,整個過程約20秒,非常簡便。