The Ideal Volume Control for Music Enthusiast
- 音樂愛好者的理想音量控制器 -

DACT-Danish Audio ConnecT

DACT attenuators line, CT2 6-wafer(bottom)
CT2 6-gang A/V音響音量控制
Number of steps(段數): 24
Bandwidth(10k Ohm)頻寬: 50 MHz
THD(總諧波失真): 0.0001 %
Attenuation accuracy(衰減精度): +/- 0.05 dB
Channel matching(聲道配對): +/- 0.05 dB
Mechanical life, Min(最低機械性壽命): 25,000 轉次


CT1 級進式音量控制器

丹麥音響關係公司(Danish Audio connect,DACT)的CT1是高品質24段階進音量衰減器
或是當今您可能擁有的高品質擴大機 以及其他音響器材使用的音量控制器.

目前供應的是立體兩聲道版本, 它有兩個個別的印刷線路板, 按置在兩個碟片旋轉選擇器上.
CT1串連式電阻的網路, 包含有每一聲道23個無感抗的低雜訊SMD晶片金屬氧化薄膜電阻.
PC基板的佈線方式和精選的晶片電阻, 設計能減少信號路徑到最短長度(專利申請中).

所有的接點和PC基板電路線徑, 都是鍍金表面以確使長時間的使用信賴度.
採用瑞士製精密鍍金旋轉選擇器, 先接然後切斷型(make-before-break).

CTl是為最高的聲音品質, 精確和信賴來設計的產品. 
標準Stereo立 體- 阻抗值有 10K, 50K, 100K & 250KΩ.
Mono單聲- 阻值有10K, 50K, 100K & 250KΩ.


   低雜音, 金屬薄膜表面貼著電阻網路
   減除的電感量(inductance)和離散電容量(stray capacitance).


CT1 4 wafer version for truely balanced stereo
CT1 4碟片型真正的平衡式立體音量器

  CT2 級進式音量控制器
(CT1的平價型號, 價格更低, 效果維持或甚至理論上更好)
標準Stereo立體- 阻抗值有 10K, 50K, 100K, 250K & 500KΩ.
尺寸: 25 x 40mm, 67mm (L)
DACT CT2, stereo
CT2 6層家庭劇院/視聽音響
(5.1 聲道系統適用)
CT2 6 gang
CT2 8層家庭劇院/視聽音響
(最新的7.1 聲道系統適用)
CT2  8 gang
CT3 音響輸入選擇器Audio Input Selector Switch
此特別為音響專用的輸入選擇器, 同時調換雙聲道的信號和導地,

目前最理想的設計, 許多Hi-End大廠都在使用此構想.
5段選 擇輸入, 鍍金接點
CT3 Audio Input Selector
CT4-2-23 級進式音量平衡器
(B type, 左右12段衰減)
庫存阻 抗值有 25k & 250KΩ.
CT4 Volume Balance VR
CT-conn1 CT系列連接線組
銅鍍銀 導線, 鍍金接頭PIN, 鐵弗龍披覆
Size: 30cm x 3(12" x 3)
DACT 鍍銀線/金接頭組

CT101 Line Stage Amp立體前級模組

DACT CT101 Line Stage Amp.,stereo
CT101 Line Stage module高電平放大模組
Gain(selectable)可選擇增益: 0, 6或12 dB
Bandwidth(at 0 dB gain)頻寬增益: 25 MHz
Slew rate(at 0 dB gain)迴轉率: 500 V/uS
S/N ratio(IHF A)信號雜訊比: 112 dB
THD(總諧波失真): 0.0002 %
Output resistance輸出阻抗: 0.1 ohm
Channel matching(聲道配對): +/- 0.05 dB
PCB dimensions(尺寸): 100 x 34 mm
DACT CT101+CT1 buffer前級
(CT1 + CT101模組完成例)


CT100 Phono RIAA Stage Module唱頭放大模組

DACT CT100 RIAA Stage amp.
CT100 Phono RIAA Stage module唱頭放大模組
Gain(selectable)可選擇增益: 40 到 80 dB
RIAA eq. deviation(均等誤差): +/- 0.05 dB
S/N ratio(40/80 dB gain)增益信號雜訊比: 98/71 dB
THD(總諧波失真): 0.0003 %
Output resistance輸出阻抗: 0.1 ohm
Channel separation(聲道分離度): 120 dB
Bandwidth頻寬: 2 MHz
PCB dimensions(尺寸): 105 x 63 mm

CT100 Phono Stage Module 唱頭 RIAA放大模組,詳細資料
來自EnjoyTheMusic.com的產品評論, 部份內文如下;
“Second, an admission (after the confession), if you had not already guessed. This is the finest phono-stage I have ever had in my system, bar-none. Less cuddly than my Ear834p, and more transparent and detailed than the Musical Fidelity XLPS2 that I also put it up against, it is basically, in a league of its own.”

最新的四/五月2001美國The Absolute Sound絕對音響雜誌, 由Dan Sweeney主筆推薦 DACT多種產品評論, 
CT100 phono stage, the CT101 line stage, 
兩個mono CT1 stepped attenuators and a CT3-5-4 輸入選擇開關.

以下為Dan Sweeney寫了些什麼的例子之一:

“ I don't know if the DACT preamp is the best solid-state example of the category on the market, but I'd like to see anything that touches it for under seven or eight grand.”

And . . . . . ” So why would you do this? Well, I own three phono sections: an old Stax SR-14; an older Sumiko; and a Boulder L3AE.
The latter is far superior to the first two, though it lacks flexibility, and the Dact is superior to it. The L3AE, available on special order, is about $3,700, while the Dact assemblage under review costs approximately $2,000. These facts say a great deal for it's design integrity.” . . . . . . 

And . . . . . “ Similarly, tape hiss assumes The Dact utterly lacks the usual solid-state blemishes: grain; hardness in the treble; an overall fatiguing quality. I normally prefer tube phono stages for their sweetness and musicality, but I don't know of one I'd substitute for this. 
The Dact doesn't sound like a tube circuit but then, it doesn't sound like much of anything. Other than conveying an incredible sense of transparency, wide dynamics, and ultra-low noise, it doesn't seem to impart a signature of it's own and isn't that what we're after?” . . . . . 


CT102 High-End Audio Power Supply高級音響電源供應模組

DACT CT100 RIAA Stage amp.

CT102 High-End Audio Power Supply音響用電源供應模組
- 已測試模組,即可安裝到音響線路
- 包含100-250VAC電源轉換器,輸出電壓(客戶可選擇): +/-15VDC或+/-20VDC
- 最大輸出電流: 200mA
- 尖峰輸出電流: 最少10A
- 輸出阻抗;
0.001 ohm at 1kHz
0.002 ohm at 20kHz
0.006 ohm at 100kHz
- 輸出雜訊(1hf a): -126 dB
- 印刷電路尺寸(l x W): 100mm x 90mm(3.54" x 3.94")
- 使用濾除交換式

DACT Technical Information, News Letter No. 8
CT100 Phono Stage Module 唱頭RIAA放大模組+CT101 Line Stage 前級擴大機
Review from Audio Electronics magazine,USA最新美國音響雜誌評論CT1文章
Review from HI-FI WORLD,UK英國雜誌評論CT1文章
有關主要規格特性, 請參考廠商網頁 DACT's web page

Last updated: 4/2/04